Music for A Hard Day’s Night

Music for A Hard Day’s Night

It was a long morning.

A hard afternoon.

Followed by a difficult evening.

The night ended with me sitting on the kitchen floor. Eating peanut butter from the jar. Listening to Kung Fu Fighting.


There’s nothing better.

Unless you have multiple versions of Kung Fu Fighting.

Wedding Responsibility

Wedding Responsibility

I’m a pretty responsible person. My bills are always paid on time – actually, they’re paid early. I have never run out of garbage bags at home. I know where the emergency exits are located at work. I pack balanced lunches. I have never accidentally set fire to the kitchen. And when I have unleashed small fires, I’ve always had aloe on hand.

But there are some things I refuse to deal with. I rarely check the weather report – I ask my dad. When I need new tech equipment – I have my sister review products and pick a winner. I don’t know if a new restaurant is kosher or a new store is worth shopping at – I wait for Special Correspondent Ellen’s report. Recently, I added something new to that list – I refused to find myself a floor-length grey or silver bridesmaid’s dress. I told Special Correspondent Na’ama that it was up to her.

Thankfully, she’s always up to a challenge. Within two months, she found something. The dress is grey. It’s floor length. It has sleeves. It’s cheap and returnable. Plus, it might even look good on me.

I don’t yet know if it’ll fit – we’ll find out once it arrives. But if it doesn’t I’m not worried. I’ve already given Na’ama that responsibility – and she’s on the case.


Mary Kay on Communism

“Believe me, it’s not that I disapprove of executive dining rooms, executive bathrooms, or private phone lines in some offices. It’s just that I do not wish to promote such superficial amenities within our Company. It’s against our style to create an atmosphere that arouses hostile  feelings between “haves” and “have-nots.” This is what invariably happens when conspicuous status symbols are bestowed upon a chosen few. I don’t believe in promoting a privileged class. Such an environment breeds pomposity. And pomposity is demoralizing and self-defeating – as well as bad business.” – Mary Kay Ash


Happy May Day!